[imp] Large Attachement

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Feb 17 23:17:41 PST 2003

Quoting michael at eigentechnology.com:

> Apache 2.0.44 is being used.

We've seen this mostly, if not exclusively, with Apache 2.0.x (x not
specific, happens across various x values).  BUT, not all people are
seeing it with Apache 2.0.x, in fact most are not seeing the problem.

> could that be the problem? But someone replied to my mail saying that
> upgrading
> to 2.0.44 solved his problem.

No idea why it would.  I use 2.0.43 myself without problem, and I used
previous 2.0.x also without problem.  I provided my apache and php rpms
to someone else with this problem, and as far as I know he applied them
all, and it made no difference.  So the rpms work for me, the same 
rpms don't work for someone else.

You're info (due to using the browser on the same machine as the server)
is most interesting.  But I've not had time yet to digest all the info...

> michael

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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