[imp] IMP: How can you retrieve mail from multiple backend servers?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Feb 18 10:43:59 PST 2003

Quoting David Walsh <davow at OntheNet.com.au>:
> To summarize, is there an updated Scalable WebMail HOWTO for IMP 3.1.

Not that I know of.
> I have a requirement to get IMP to talk to whatever mailserver (maildrop
> attribute) that is listed in LDAP for a user.

Use the IMP hooks to set the domain and/or store the info you need in some
session variables.  Edit your imp/config/servers.php file so as to
use variables intead of constants to set the values that need changes.
Just before that block, set the variables as needed based on the info 
your hook returned.

Basically, look at the mailing list archives for virtual host setup, and
then modify that for your needs.  Also search for ldap hook stuff if you
need help there.

> I have searched the lists
> and google for this info but have found no example or instruction. I have
> seen plenty of requests for this feature though.

The actual info may be missing, but it should be able to be infered from
the virtual host discussions.

> Can IMP 3.1 retrieve the mailserver ( or whatever ) attribute from LDAP
> instead of referring to the servers.php.

No, but you can make servers.php do so in various ways.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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