[imp] HTTPS, IMP 3.1, Attachments

DJ Tech djtech at djtech.org
Thu Feb 20 16:45:56 PST 2003

Hello all,

I have been evaluating IMP the last few weeks.  So far I am very impressed 
with how easy it is to configure and use and how stable it is.  I have run 
into an issue I have been unable to resolve.  Part of my requirements are that 
the webmail system be available (only) over HTTPS.  Everything works great 
through HTTPS except attachments which give the following errors:

When clicking the 'diskette' icon and then Save, I get this message:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet Explroer cannot download filename from servername.

Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site.  The requested site 
is either unavailable or cannot be found.  Please try again later.

When right clicking on the 'diskette' icon and selecting 'Save target as' I 
get this message:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer cannot download filename from servername.

The file could not be written to the cache

I have substituted filename in the above messages in the place of the actual 
filenames I tried.  I also changed my servers real DNS name to servername.  I 
get these messages when trying to save attachments that were .TXT files, .XLS 
(Excel) and .PDF's.

This exact situation happens on two seperate IMP installs I've done.  One is 
on Solaris w/ Apache2 and one is on HP-UX 11i w/ Apache1.  If I try the above 
tasks over HTTP instead of HTTPS attachments work on both of my IMP installs.  
I can't figure out a logical troubleshooting path.  Any suggestions?

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