[imp] Re: Re: INBOX always brings up page2

Steve Lidie sol0 at Lehigh.EDU
Fri Feb 21 10:58:58 PST 2003

On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 10:02 US/Eastern, Johannes Walch wrote:

>> You can change the default sort order of your INBOX.
>> Try playing with the ARRIVAL default sort order
> On both servers the sort order ist set to ARRIVAL, and the mailbox is 
> indeed
> correctly sorted but it displays the wrong page.

In my (limited) experience that's symptomatic of a "bad mail" - some 
mail that provokes an internal error and prevents the page containing 
it from being displayed. In one case it turned out to be mangled header 
lines.  IIRC, I used elm to "see" all the mail headers until I found 
one in error - after deleting it (from elm), IMP was able to display 
that page.  YMMV.

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