[imp] IMP3.2CVS Filters with POP3

Alexander Nimmervoll nimm at technikum-wien.at
Fri Feb 21 20:08:15 PST 2003


I played around with filters in IMP3.2-CVS, but they never got applied with my 
POP3 Server. Tracking it down I found out that in lib/IMP.php in the function 
filterMailbox() filters get disabled if the protocol is POP3 
(If Statement: !strstr($imp['protocol'], 'pop3'))). Without that code it works 
and the matching messages get deleted from my Inbox (the only possible filter 
action with a pop account).  Now is there any reason why you guys disabled 
filtering with POP3?


Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Nimmervoll
Technikum Wien
Höchstädtplatz 5
A- 1200 Wien

Tel.: (+43 1) 333 40 77-242
e-mail: nimm at technikum-wien.at

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