[imp] What's the advantage of using CVS?

Colin Rognlie colin at crcon.net
Fri Feb 21 22:28:04 PST 2003

Quoting Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at tarcanfel.org>:
> There's a lot of info about how to get CVS files, and use CVS to update 
> a local tree, but all that's gotten me is a mirror of the CVS tree, set 
> up to distribute files as opposed to run a horde system.  Not much clue 
> how to get from "ok, I've got the files" to "now I have a running 
> system".  Many of the files appear to be optional, extraneous, or not 
> in the directory they would be in for a working installation.
> I suppose if I understood how to arrange the files for a working 
> configuration, it would be easier to understand how to update an 
> installation from CVS, but that's even less clear.

I'm having this problem as well.  I *VERY* badly want to try out the pgp code, 
but as far as I've gotten is downloading and running horde-rsynch.sh

Is there any documentation on taking those files and making something browsable 
out of it?

/* Colin Rognlie, CISSP */

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