[imp] Re: IMP

Brent J. Nordquist bjn at horde.org
Mon Feb 24 11:07:19 PST 2003

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Nigel George <nigel.george at cpio.co.uk> wrote:

> I'm installing Horde/IMP on a server (I don't have root access to the
> server though), it's a domain on a mass hosting system. Where exactly
> does IMP store emails (I'll be using it for POP3 retrieval)? Does it
> store them in files, if so where can I change the folder? Or does it
> store them in MySQL also (Ideally what I'm looking for)

[Let's do this on the list, please; time pressure doesn't allow me to help
1-on-1, and others may have some suggestions for you.]

IMP doesn't store emails itself anywhere; they stay on the server.
Ideally you should use IMAP for this; POP3 can be used, but then you'll
only get the INBOX.

An alternative I have used with servers I don't admin. is to use something
like fetchmail to pull the mail onto an IMAP server that you control (a
personal machine etc.) and then run IMP against that.

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn at horde.org> N0BJN
Other contact information: http://www.nordist.net/contact.html

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