[imp] Session expiration timeout value.

robert sand rsand at d.umn.edu
Mon Mar 3 08:00:31 PST 2003

Hi All,

I had a student say that they were asked to reload thier browser because the 
session would expire in 5 minutes.  When he reloaded his browser he lost the 
message he was composing.  What is the timeout value for sessions and how can I 
change that timeout value?

Robert Sand.
mailto:rsand at d.umn.edu
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Information Technology Systems and Services
144 MWAH
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

"Walk behind me I may not lead, Walk in front of me I may not follow,
  Walk beside me and we walk together"  UTE Tribal proverb.

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