[imp] Attachments > 2 Mb

Jesus Benavente jbena at datalab.es
Thu Mar 20 14:41:37 PST 2003

Hi, I can't send attachments bigger than 2 Mb. No error is shown while writing the message and the files are correctly attached (files /tmp/impatXXXX appears) but when you click Send message nothing happens (the compose window doesn`t close with mozilla and the submit never ends with iexplore and any error at any log). 


Iexplore 6.0 / Mozilla 1.3

SUSE 8.1
apache 1.3.27
php 4.3
pear (from horde website pear-1.0.1)

file_uploads = On
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 20M

(I've got the same problem with the same configuration a Horde/Imp cvs versions).

Thanks for your help,

Jesus Benavente.

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