[imp] Problem viewing multipart MIME messages

Jonathan Feally vulture at consult-scs.com
Mon Mar 24 20:02:31 PST 2003

My IMP is displaying an empty body of messages with multipart MIME 
sections. I looked though the archive but with no luck.
Is there some change that has to be done with newer versions of Apache 
or PHP? I have updated them recently, but I don't know if that is when 
the problem first appeared as I do not use IMP that often.
Here's my system setup:
FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE Machine
Apache 2.0.43
PHP 4.2.3
Horde 2.2.1
IMP 3.2.1

my php.ini:
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1800
register_globals = true
allow_url_fopen = true
session.use_trans_sid = 0
session.save_path = /websites/phpsessions

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