[imp] Error: horde/lib/Prefs/sql.php on line 101

Tom Rymes trymes at rymes.net
Thu Mar 27 13:58:58 PST 2003

Hi folks,

I have just installed IMP 3.2.1, (using Horde 2.1) on a RedHat 8.0 
Machine. I followed the instructions for installing v 3.1 on RH 7.3 
that are linked from the horde.org/imp page.

When I go to http://myserver/horde/imp/test.php, I get the test page, 
and all seems to work fine. when I go to http://myserver/horde/imp, I 
get the logon page. If I log on, I get the following error:

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  iswarning() in 
/var/www/html/mail/horde/lib/Prefs/sql.php on line 101

I have googled through the archives, and everywhere else, but to no 
avail. Any ideas here? Please feel free to direct me to the part of TFM 
that I should R.

Thank you,


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