[imp] forcing certain settings to look in database

rick at havokmon.com rick at havokmon.com
Mon Mar 31 22:04:32 PST 2003

Quoting eculp at encontacto.net:

> Quoting Vince LaMonica <vjl at uci.edu>:
> | [egad; replying to myself twice in one day..baaaad karma]
> |
> | The FAQ above doesn't explain how to use multiple settings with virtual
> | domains [other than changing return addresses]. I want to be able to lock
> | down certain features with certain domains [including not enabling the
> | calendar and/or passwd changing for certain domains]. The only way I've
> | been able to do that so far is multiple installations.
> |
> Vince, I think that may be an overkill ;-).  There are a couple of bad
> solutions that I've used.  I think it depends on how many settings and
> for how many domains and how often they will change.  I really don't
> change that many.  I have created a configuration file that I include
> with variables assigned.  It is far from an optimal solution and could
> be more maintenance intensive than it should, but it works.
> Sniplets from my files:
> /* This is an additional file in horde/config/ to set the variables */
> $vdomain = strtolower(eregi_replace('^mail\.|^www\.|^www\.mail\.', '', \
> switch ( $vdomain ) {
>         case "insourcery.net" :
>                 $default_theme='royal';
>                 $default_lock=true;
>                 break;
> Then in prefs.php for theme I have:
> // color theme
> $_prefs['theme'] = array(
>     'value' => $default_theme,
>     'locked' => $default_lock,
>     'shared' => true,
> I actually have about 15 definitions per domain.  I'm not sure that I would
> want any more.  I'm sure there is a much better way of doing this.  I guess
> that since this works, I've been too lazy to find a better mousetrap.
I'm working on the same thing, to a greater extent.  I need to apply
'permissions' based on a users service level.  I use vpopmail with a MySQL
backend.  By default, all users have a '0' service level.

So what I'm attempting to do, is set a preference 'service_level' when the user
Auth's, pulled from the vpopmail MySQL table.

At that point, I can put a basic 'if (service_level >=)' around items in the
horde/config/registry.php (to enable/disable turba/gollem/etc) for users. 
Since it's a Horde pref (or so the plan is), I can refer to it from other
pref.php files (such as horde/imp/config/prefs.php) to allow for rights within
each application (such as Fetchmail within IMP).

Once I get it working, I'll post a diff what I did.  (I'm working with the
current CVS). At this point, I've manually created/set the horde pref within
the horde/config/prefs.php file to test it out. That works for the 'fine grain'
control within each app (Fetchmail within IMP).  Now I need to figure out how
to set it BEFORE the horde/config/registry.php file is called so I can use it
to completely enable/disable those apps.


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