[imp] Using IMP with shared maildirs.

Dennis Loos dpm at valkenswaard6.nl
Thu Apr 3 15:25:27 PST 2003


I use Imp 3.1 on a Redhat 8.0 box with qmail 1.03/courier imap 1.6.2/ horde 2.1 installed. I have the following problem:

I created a shareable Maildir for a user , a sharable sub-dir and then added it to the other user's mailbox as a shared maildir. 

The problem is that I can't get to the mail which is still in the Inbox of the shared maildir. If I copy the mail to the shared sub-dir I can read it. I noticed that if you pick the name of the shared mailbox in the open folder combobox, the screen doesn't refresh. Is this the problem or is it another one ?

I thank you in advance.

Dennis Loos.

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