[imp] IMP/Ingo working together... someday... I hope

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Apr 3 13:14:59 PST 2003

As you probably noticed, I've committed several items to ingo in preparation
of tying it in with IMP to become the exclusive filter interface for IMP. 
The main reason for doing this is because Mike has written an excellent UI
for manipulating the blacklist/filters and I feel no need to
rewrite/maintain the version currently in IMP.

It shouldn't be all that difficult to implement - I'm just going to remove
all filtering/preference storing code out of IMP and have ingo handle it
instead.  There are a few issues, however.  The most important is since we
may now be using ingo without a Sieve server (this is my setup, for
example), there needs to be a way to convert the sieve script into
something that can be handled by a basic IMAP server using simple IMAP
commands - namely stuff that can be passed into imap_search().  For now, we
can just tweak the UI so that, when the imap client-side driver is used, we
only offer "Contains" (and maybe "Doesn't Contain") as a rule.  In the
future we should, if at all possible, write some sort of sieve script->IMAP
conversion utility so that we can use this (sounds like i'm volunteering -
ugh).  (And thinking about this, since php does not support AND queries, I
will have to move my PHP specific solution out of IMP_Search and into Horde
so both imp and ingo can use it.)

i'll stop babbling now.  I hope I'm not breaking anything.  Until I get to
understand ingo more, I will try to commit in small chunks to increase peer
review and ease of fixing if i go awry :)


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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