[imp] Use of undefined constant SORTARRIVAL

Diogo Saad diogo at ibnetwork.com.br
Fri Apr 4 15:53:44 PST 2003

I get the following warnings  at imp login page.
I seem that a lot of SORT( sortarrival  / sortdate / sortfrom/ etc )  constants are not defined
I took a look at /imp/lib/constants.php and these SORT* contansts are not defined !!!
What's wrong??

Thank You
Diogo Saad
diogo at ibnetwork.com.br


Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTARRIVAL - assumed 'SORTARRIVAL' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 503

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTARRIVAL - assumed 'SORTARRIVAL' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 507

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTDATE - assumed 'SORTDATE' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 508

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTFROM - assumed 'SORTFROM' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 509

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTSUBJECT - assumed 'SORTSUBJECT' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 510

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTSIZE - assumed 'SORTSIZE' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 511

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTARRIVAL - assumed 'SORTARRIVAL' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 503

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTARRIVAL - assumed 'SORTARRIVAL' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 507

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTDATE - assumed 'SORTDATE' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 508

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTFROM - assumed 'SORTFROM' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 509

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTSUBJECT - assumed 'SORTSUBJECT' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 510

Warning: Use of undefined constant SORTSIZE - assumed 'SORTSIZE' in /var/www/horde-2.2.1/imp-3.2.1/config/prefs.php on line 511

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