[imp] strange folder problems w/IMP

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Apr 14 18:10:25 PDT 2003

Quoting Kevin Hanser <imp at hanser.org>:

> Ok, will give that a shot..  One more question though... where do I turn that
> off?  Is it a php setting, or an IE setting?

Horde setting in horde/config/horde.php or horde/config/conf.php :

// If this option is set to true, and you have the php zlib extension,
// pages over a certain size will be compressed and sent to the
// browser as gzip-encoded data in order to save bandwidth. There is a
// CPU-usage penalty to pay for this, but the decrease in page size
// can be dramatic (70k to under 10k for a full mailbox page), and is
// more than worth it over anything but an extremely fast link.

$conf['compress_pages'] = false;

> I looked @ my php.ini, and found these settings:
> output_handler =
> zlib.output_compression = Off

That's the other place, but you already have it off there.  You can set it
in either (but not both) places.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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