[imp] permisos de usuarios

Rodolfo segleaur at mechanus.org
Wed Apr 16 15:41:09 PDT 2003

Gerson said something about Re: [imp] permisos de usuarios on
 Wed, 16 Apr 2003 :

 | Saludos Estoy trabajando actualmente con horde version 2.2, imp 3.2,
 | sendmail 8.12.9 sobre Red Hat 8.0, mis usuarios se autentifican en el imp
 | con imap. y necesito que algunos usuarios no tengan acceso a imp. no deseo
 | eliminarlos del sistema pues deben tener cuenta de correo, pero lo que no
 | deseo es que puedan acceder al correo mediante el imp  Gracias

ok guys, i'm going to assume you can read the version numbers of what he's
running. what he says in the rest is that he's got a group of users that
shouldn't be able to access imp, but they do need mail accounts. he's currently
authenticating against IMAP, which means they're real users (as in PAM).

now, correct me if i'm wrong, but as far as i understand PAM authentication, as
long as the user belongs to the right groups, he'll have access to anything he
wants; webpages being served by apache don't really follow this model - anyone
with a web browser could surf onto the page.

my first thought was to develop a custom hook, where it looked for a file with
the usernames that shouldn't authenticate and simply fumble their password so
they can never log in - but there are two problems, he's using IMAP (which the
custom hook wouldn't work - or so it says in the conf.php file) and it would
really jarble the log file.

WU-IMAP that comes with redhat 8.0 has no way to limiting who can access it (and
obviously that's not what he wants - since certain users need to access mail).
the point that the access has to be stopped is at the Horde level - any
suggestions on how someone could block a user from accessing Horde if they're a
system user?



It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb,
and maybe even a little ugly on the side. - Frank Zappa

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