[imp] IMP can't read attachments that are not MIME

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri May 2 15:00:36 PDT 2003

Quoting Markus Gaugusch <markus at gaugusch.at>:

> On May 2, Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> wrote:
> > I think the CVS HEAD version has uuencode support, added about a month
> > or so ago?  But nothing in the release tree, and I really doubt it will
> > be backported.
> Thanks, I'll have a look at this. Do I need the CVS version of horde or of
> IMP? I don't know where the functionality is implemented.

You need either CVS HEAD of everything, or CVS HEAD of nothing.  It all
or nothing.

> > BTW, doing anything (client end) with these will be a huge performance hit.
> Why? If the mail contains MIME (can be distinguished very fast, I guess),
> there is no need to look for uuencode attachments.

So if I forward it, so that it becomes MIME, they should be ignored? Or if
they are inside a MIME boundry, ignore them? Or if a mailer that generates
these also puts in a MIME header (which would be broken server of course)
then ignore it?  Makes it less useful...

Even with this, there is a lot of non-MIME labeled mail on the net, so the hit
would still be big, though lessened, if it skipped MIME messages.
But, your idea might be a good (performance/feature) compromise...

> Guess what, our main communication partner is using GroupWise! It also
> doesn't happen with all mails, it seems to be the case for only some
> messages from some people. Can you tell me the switch that is responsible
> for this?

Been 4+ years since I had to configure GroupWise, so I can't say how to
do it.  But it is only in GroupWise 5 and above, and it is a simple
configuration issue to tell it to use MIME (not the default).

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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