[imp] Imp2 -> 3 Upgrade: Massive Performance Loss with iPlanet imapd

Joerg Friedrich Joerg.Dieter.Friedrich at uni-konstanz.de
Sat Jun 14 05:40:20 PDT 2003


Yesterday I tried to upgrade our university's webmail-system from imp2
to the latest and greatest :-)

Since we serve aprox. 5000 Webmail users and an average of 100
simultanous sessions our Sun E4000 (4 CPU, 1 GB Ram) should have enough
CPU power.

We use horde/imp as webmail frontend to our iPlanet Messaging Server.

After switching to horde2/imp3 the cpu-load of the webmailserver was
very low but the messaging server was not able to perform all requests.
After switching back to imp2 all was ok.

I did a little research and found out that imapd of iplanet 
has severe problems to answer to a '. LIST "" %'-command.
even with a single session it takes about 3-5 seconds.

After searching in imp-sources I found that in imp3 the _only_ occurence
of souch a command is in lib/Folder.php at the end:

function getDelimiter($stream, $default = '/')
  static $delimiter;
  if (!isset($delimiter)) {
    $box = imap_getmailboxes($stream, IMP::serverString(), IMP::addPreambleString('%'));
    $delimiter = !empty($box[0]->delimiter) ? $box[0]->delimiter : $default;
  return $delimiter;

and this is only to get the delimiter!

in lib/Tree.php there is a

        $this->delimiter = '/';
        $this->server = IMP::serverString();
        // this *should* always get the right delimiter
        $tmp = $this->getMailbox('INBOX');

in CVS-HEAD lib/Folder.php is also changed to only get INBOX

This should also be fixed in Rel_3.


Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komm' wieder, keine Frage!!!



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