[imp] Full IMAP support

ES enno_schulz at gmx.net
Mon Jun 23 13:58:03 PDT 2003

even if it's not the thing of ISP's, I would like to use IMP as a full 
featured IMAP-WebMail-Interface without any or only the preferences 
stored in a database (mysql) on the webmail server.
Therefore the main goal is that I don't want to use sendmail or smtp for 
sending mails but pure php IMAP functionality.
Evenmore I would like to have all email-data stored in my IMAP 
Mailsystem (Domino 5.x or new 6.x).
INBOX, sent-mail, drafts should be retrieved/stored from/to the IMAP server.
Is there anybody who has a working configuration or customized version 
of IMP that uses only the IMAP Server to store all the email-data in the 
IMAP databases on the serverside?

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I would love to use IMP 
for that kind of solution (and I found nothing on the web to achieve this!).


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