[imp] Imp is too slow for large number of mails

Michael C. Ibarra ibarra at hawk.com
Wed Jun 25 13:13:05 PDT 2003

Quoting Leonardo Fogel <leonardofogel at yahoo.com.br>:

> Hi,
> I have just installed Horde 2.2.3, Imp 3.2.1 and PEAR
> running over Apache 2.0.40 and php 4.2.2. Imp
> is configured to pop (pop3s) mails from XMail 1.15
> server (running Stunnel).
> Imp works fine but it takes very long to list the
> mails (the first 20 ones) when the mail box has many
> messages (more than 400, for example). Each time one
> clicks on the "Next Page" icon to see the next 20
> mails, Imp takes long again to pop the 400 ones (and
> to list only 20).
> Please, is there a way to make Imp works faster?



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