[imp] SMTP with IMP no connecting to Port 25

Aaron Langille aaron at cs.laurentian.ca
Tue Jul 8 13:29:54 PDT 2003

Greetings all,

We are trying to get IMP to work with SMTP as follows below.  With the
configuration listed, and having my SMTP server on port 25 does IMP
connect directly to port 25 of the server?  I am asking because of what is
happening.  All other clients seem to be working fine (outlook express,
netscape etc etc).  They connect to the mail server using smtp as
normal.  (Yes i can also telnet to port 25 and all is well)

When i run snoop -v | grep "port = 25" on our mail server i can see those
clients connecting.  When i run this and try to send an email though the
server that IMP is running on i see no connection attempt on port 25...

Is this normal?   Have i missed something in the configuration?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



// What method should we use for sending mail? Valid options are
// currently 'sendmail' and 'smtp'.
$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'smtp';

// An array holding any parameters that the Mail object will need to
// function correctly. For sendmail, this is mainly the sendmail_path
// option; SMTP requires at least a server and a port (if nonstandard).
// SMTP authentication can be enabled by setting the 'auth' parameter
// to true.
// $conf['mailer']['params'] = array();
// $conf['mailer']['params'] = array('sendmail_path' =>
$conf['mailer']['params']['host'] = 'our.mail.server';
$conf['mailer']['params']['auth'] = true;

$servers['imap'] = array(
    'name' => 'IMAP Server',
    'server' => 'our.mail.server',
    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
    'port' => 143,
    'folders' => 'mail/',
    'namespace' => '',
    'maildomain' => 'our.domain',
    'smtphost' => 'our.mail.server',
    'realm' => 'our.domain',
    'preferred' => ''

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