[imp] Adding a BCC to a specific users outgoing email

Rick Romero rick at havokmon.com
Fri Jul 25 06:21:41 PDT 2003

Hi all,

I'm running Horde/IMP CVS as of about 5/03, and I have a user who is
accused of stealing an identity.  He created the account on the 23rd,
and his INBOX is full or Mortgage Loan Apps :(

Anyways, I'm saving all his emails in case they're needed, and rather
than mucking with qmail to dup everyone, I'd like to add a 'silent BCC'
for just this user in the 'Compose' screen.

Can someone give me a quick 'fix', or point me where to do this?  I
assume it's probably horde/imp/compose.php - but I'm not sure..



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