[imp] IMP concatinating 1st line of message w/ message headers

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Tue Aug 12 14:18:33 PDT 2003

We've run into a strange problem with our IMP installation...

The first line of the message text sometimes gets concatinated to the last
header, if the message..
- starts on the very first line of the message composition "text area"
- starts w/ a a couple of spaces (indentation)

The results in messages that appear to be missing the first line, tho if you go
into "message source" (in IMP), or view full headers (IMP CVS, pine, etc), you
can see the text of the first line in the header text:

    Message-ID: <1060722574.3f39578e0c53c at test.mail.umich.edu>
    Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 17:09:34 -0400
    From: Liam Hoekenga <liamr at youmish.edu>
    To: liamr at youmish.edu
    Subject: test
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.1
    X-IMP-Server: 141.xxx.xxx.xxx
    X-Originating-IP: 141.xxx.xxx.xxx
    X-Originating-User: liamr
      line 1

    line 2
    line 3
    line 4

or in IMP 4.0CVS:

    Return-Path:   	<liamr at youmish.edu>
    Subject:  	test
    To:  	liamr at youmish.edu
    User-Agent:  	Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.1
    X-IMP-Server:  	141.xxx.xxx.xxx
    X-Originating-IP:  	141.xxx.xxx.xxx
    X-Originating-User:  	liamr line 1
    Headers:  	Show Limited Headers

    line 2
    line 3
    line 4

It's doing this both in our IMP 3.2.1 and IMP 4.0 (CVS) installations.  It
doesn't do it in on another machine I run it on, but that's still at IMP 3.1.
It may occur under other circumstances - adding leading spaces to the first line
is that only way I force it to happen all of the time. 

We see this behavior regardless of whether we're including a custom header.txt
or not.

Has anyone else seen this?  Any ideas?

Info about pear modules and output from test.php follows


Installed packages:
Package            Version State  
Archive_Tar        1.1     stable 
Auth_SASL          1.0.0   stable 
Console_Getopt     1.0     stable 
DB                 1.4.0   stable 
Date               1.3     stable 
File               1.0.3   stable 
HTML_Common        1.2.1   stable 
HTML_Select_Common 1.1     stable 
HTML_Template_IT   1.1     stable 
HTTP               1.2     stable 
HTTP_Request       1.1.1   stable 
Log                1.6.7   stable 
Mail               1.1.0   stable 
Mail_Mime          1.2.1   stable 
Net_SMTP           1.2.3   stable 
Net_Socket         1.0.1   stable 
Net_URL            1.0.10  stable 
PEAR               1.1     stable 
XML_Parser         1.0.1   stable 
XML_RPC            1.0.4   stable 

Horde Version

    * Horde: 3.0-cvs

Horde Applications

    * Horde: 3.0-cvs
    * Imp: 4.0-cvs (run Imp tests)
    * Ingo: 2.0-cvs (run Ingo tests)
    * Sam: 0.0.2-cvs
    * Troll: 0.0.4-cvs
    * Agora: 0.1-cvs
    * Mimp: 0.0.1-cvs
    * Turba: 2.0-cvs (run Turba tests)
    * Kronolith: 2.0-cvs
    * Mnemo: 2.0-cvs
    * Nag: 2.0-cvs
    * Trean: 0.1-cvs
    * Whups: 0.0.1-cvs
    * Jonah: 0.0.3-cvs (run Jonah tests)
    * Klutz: 0.0.1-cvs
    * Hermes: 0.0.1-cvs
    * Gollem: 0.0.1-cvs
    * Giapeto: 0.1-cvs (run Giapeto tests)
    * Odin: 2.0-cvs
    * Ulaform: 0.1-cvs (run Ulaform tests)
    * Scry: 0.1-cvs

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 4.3.2
    * PHP Major Version: 4.3
    * PHP Minor Version: 2
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities

    * Ctype Support: Yes
    * DOM XML Support: Yes
    * FTP Support: Yes
    * Gettext Support: Yes
    * Iconv Support: Yes
    * IMAP Support: Yes
    * LDAP Support: Yes
    * Mbstring Support: No
    * MCAL Support: No
    * Mcrypt Support: Yes
    * MIME Magic Support: No
    * MySQL Support: Yes
    * OpenSSL Support: Yes
    * PostgreSQL Support: No
    * XML Support: Yes
    * Zlib Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
    * memory_limit disabled: Yes
    * file_uploads enabled: Yes
    * safe_mode disabled: Yes
    * session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes

Required Horde Configuration Files

    * config/conf.php: Yes
    * config/html.php: Yes
    * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
    * config/mime_mapping.php: Yes
    * config/nls.php: Yes
    * config/prefs.php: Yes
    * config/registry.php: Yes

PHP Sessions

    * Session counter: 6
    * To unregister the session: click here


    * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path): 
    * PEAR: Yes
    * Recent PEAR: Yes
    * Mail_RFC822: Yes
    * Mail_Mime: Yes
    * Log: Yes
    * DB: Yes
    * Net_Socket: Yes
    * Date_Calc: Yes
    * Auth_SASL: Yes
    * Net_URL: Yes
    * HTTP_Request: Yes
    * File_CSV: Yes

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