[imp] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: hascapability() in
Emilio Ruben Estevez
emilioestevezz at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 15 08:10:37 PDT 2003
Hi, im having this error when i want to try imp on my linux box, as i read
in similar emails that most people that knows about this, ask the imp´s
conf.php so i put my entire conf.php here:
// If ispell or aspell is available, then we will provide a spelling
// checker. If this is empty (''), null, or false, then spell checking
// will be disabled.
$conf['utils']['spellchecker'] = '';
** Menu settings
// This is an array of applications (using the names defined in
// horde/config/registry.php) to include links to in the menubar. An
// example providing a link to Turba (an addressbook program) would
// be: $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('turba');
$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('turba','passwd');
** User Capabilities and Constraints
// Should we allow users to use folders at all? NOTE: setting this to
// false will mean there is no place to save sent-mail or postponed
// messages, along with the obvious affects of restricting the user to
// their INBOX.
$conf['user']['allow_folders'] = true;
// If this is true, then there will be a "Message Source" link in the
// parts list of every message, allowing the user to view the entire
// raw message, or to download it and save it to disk.
$conf['user']['allow_view_source'] = true;
// If this is true, the user will be able to resume any message in any
// mailbox. Otherwise, only messages marked as 'drafts' can be resumed.
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] = false;
// If this is true, the user will be able to resume any message in their
// draft mailbox (to compensate for some clients that don't bother setting
// the draft flag). Otherwise, only messages marked as 'drafts' can be
// resumed.
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all_in_drafts'] = false;
// If this is anything other than false, then it is assumed to be the
// URL of an alternate login screen which will be used in place of
// IMP's default one.
$conf['user']['alternate_login'] = false;
// If this is anything other than false, it is assumed to be the URL
// of an alternate logout page which users will be sent to when they
// log out.
$conf['user']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
// If this is true, then users will be given a <select> menu in the
// compose window allowing them to choose which folder to save their
// sent messages to. If this is false, then messages will be saved to
// the folder defined in their preferences.
$conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder'] = false;
** Mail Server Settings
// Should we display a list of servers (defined in config/servers.php)
// for users to choose from? The options are 'shown', 'hidden', and
// 'none'. If the server list is hidden then you can use the
// 'preferred' mechanism to auto-select from it based on an HTTP
// virtualhost or another piece of data. If it is shown, the user will
// be able to pick from any of the options. If none, no server list
// will be shown and the defaults will be used unless another
// mechanism changes them.
$conf['server']['server_list'] = 'none';
// If we are not using the server list, should we allow users to type
// in a mail server?
$conf['server']['change_server'] = false;
// If we are not using the server list, should we allow users to
// select the mail server's port?
$conf['server']['change_port'] = false;
// If we are not using the server list, should we allow users to
// select the mail server's protocol?
$conf['server']['change_protocol'] = false;
// If we are not using the server list, should we allow users to
// select the mail server's folder prefix?
$conf['server']['change_folders'] = false;
// Should we show files that begin with a '.' in the folder lists?
$conf['server']['show_dotfiles'] = false;
// Should we enable any folder hierarchies that aren't shown by
// default? For instance, UW can be configured to serve out #shared/,
// #news/, #ftp/, and #public/ folder hierarchies. Put any of these
// that you want shown into an array entry here.
$conf['server']['hierarchies'] = array();
** Mailbox Settings
// What should we display for the various message flags/types, and
// what styles should we use for different kinds of flagged messages?
$conf['mailbox']['deleted_flag'] = Horde::img('deleted.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Deleted") . '"');
$conf['mailbox']['deleted_style'] = 'strike';
$conf['mailbox']['unseen_flag'] = Horde::img('unseen.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Unread") . '"');
$conf['mailbox']['unseen_style'] = 'b';
$conf['mailbox']['answered_flag'] = Horde::img('answered.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Answered") . '"');
$conf['mailbox']['answered_style'] = '';
$conf['mailbox']['important_flag'] = Horde::img('important.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Important") . '"');
$conf['mailbox']['important_style'] = 'i';
$conf['mailbox']['draft_flag'] = Horde::img('draft.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Draft") . '"');
$conf['mailbox']['draft_style'] = '';
$conf['mailbox']['personal_flag'] = Horde::img('personal.gif', 'alt="' .
_("Personal") . '"');
// What format string should we pass to strftime() for messages sent on
// days other than today?
$conf['mailbox']['date_format'] = '%x';
// What format string should we pass to strftime() for messages sent
// today?
$conf['mailbox']['time_format'] = '%X';
// In the mailbox view, we will chop off From: addresses longer than
// this value.
$conf['mailbox']['max_from_chars'] = 40;
// In the mailbox view, we will chop off Subjects longer than this
// value.
$conf['mailbox']['max_subj_chars'] = 50;
// Where should the link in the From: column go to? Valid values are
// 'message' (read the message) and 'compose' (compose a message to
// that address); anything else will result in no link being generated.
$conf['mailbox']['from_link'] = 'message';
// Should we display attachment information in the mailbox index? This
// is a performance hit, but may be okay on smaller installations.
$conf['mailbox']['show_attachments'] = false;
** Message Settings
// Should we include the contents of imp/config/header.txt in the
// headers of every message sent?
$conf['msg']['prepend_header'] = true;
// Should we append the contents of imp/config/trailer.txt to the end
// of every message sent?
$conf['msg']['append_trailer'] = true;
// If filtering of message content is turned on, where should we find
// the list of words to filter out?
$conf['msg']['filtering']['words'] = './config/filter.txt';
// What should we replace filtered words with?
$conf['msg']['filtering']['replacement'] = '****';
** Spam Reporting
// Should we display a "report this message as spam" link in the
// message view?
$conf['spam']['reporting'] = false;
// If so, where should those messages be reported to?
$conf['spam']['email'] = 'postmaster@' .
** Compose Settings
// Should we use the Horde VFS system for storing uploaded
// attachments? NOTE: This option REQUIRES Horde 2.2 or later; setting
// it to true with a version of Horde that does not have VFS support
// will have no effect (attachments will be stored in /tmp as if this
// option were false).
$conf['compose']['use_vfs'] = false;
// Should we allow users to set the Cc: header?
$conf['compose']['allow_cc'] = true;
// Should we allow users to set the Bcc: header?
$conf['compose']['allow_bcc'] = true;
// What format string should be pass to strftime() for the heading of the
// compose window?
$conf['compose']['date_format'] = '%c';
// Can the user request a return receipt?
$conf['compose']['allow_receipts'] = true;
// Should we give the user a pop-up window with special characters in
// it?
$conf['compose']['special_characters'] = true;
** Custom Function Hooks
// If this is set to a function name, that function will be used
// to get the user's email address to use when sending mail. See
// the 'imp_expand_fromaddress' function below for an example.
$conf['hooks']['from'] = '';
/* Here is an example imp_expand_fromaddress function. You get passed the
* $imp array and have access to everything inside it, which should be
* plenty of information. You can "global" anything else you need. Return
* an address - either just the user@ side or a full address - and it will
* be used.
* NB: If users are allowed to change their fromaddresses (not fullnames,
* though), and they have one set, this will be overridden.
* NB2: The code assumes that this function will return a reasonable
* address, so make sure to fall back to $imp['user'] or some such on
* failure.
// if (!function_exists('imp_expand_fromaddress')) {
// function imp_expand_fromaddress ($imp) {
// if ($imp['server'] != 'mail.example.com') {
// return $imp['user'];
// }
// $cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ph unix=' . escapeShellCmd($imp['user']) .
' | /bin/grep email | /usr/bin/awk \'{print $2}\'';
// $name = `$cmd`;
// return (empty($name) ? $imp['user'] : $name);
// }
// }
/* This is another example how to get the from address from an ldap server.
// if (!function_exists('imp_expand_fromaddress')) {
// function imp_expand_fromaddress($imp) {
// $ldapServer = 'ldap.example.com';
// $ldapPort = '389';
// $searchBase = 'ou=people,o=example.com';
// $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
// $searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, 'uid=' .
// $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
// $name = $information[0]['mail'][0];
// ldap_close($ds);
// return (empty($name) ? $imp['user'] : $name);
// }
// }
// If this is set to a function name, that function will be used
// to modify the signature at runtime; See
// the 'imp_set_signature' function below for an example.
$conf['hooks']['signature'] = '';
/* Here is an example imp_set_signature function to set the signature
* from the system taglines file; the string "%TAG%" (if present in a
* user's signature) will be replaced by the content of the file
* "/usr/share/tagline" (generated by the "TaRT" utility).
// if (!function_exists('imp_set_signature')) {
// function imp_set_signature ($imp, $sig) {
// if (preg_match('/%TAG%/', $sig)) {
// $tag = `cat /usr/share/tagline`;
// $sig = preg_replace('|%TAG%|', $tag, $sig);
// }
// return $sig;
// }
// }
// If this is set to a function name, that function will be used
// to get the user's fullname to use when sending mail. See
// the 'imp_set_fullname' function below for an example.
$conf['hooks']['fullname'] = '';
/* Here is an example imp_set_fullname function to set the fullname
* from the GECOS information in the passwd file.
//if (!function_exists('imp_set_fullname')) {
// function imp_set_fullname ($imp) {
// $array = posix_getpwnam($imp['user']);
// $gecos_array = explode(',', $array['gecos']);
// return (empty($gecos_array) ? $imp['user'] : $gecos_array[0]);
// }
/* This is another example how to get the user's full name from an ldap
* In this example we look if a Spanish name exists and return this or the
* standard 'cn' entry if not.
// if (!function_exists('imp_set_fullname')) {
// function imp_set_fullname($imp) {
// $ldapServer = 'ldap.example.com';
// $ldapPort = '389';
// $searchBase = 'ou=people,o=example.com';
// $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
// $searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, 'uid=' .
// $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
// if ($information[0]['cn;lang-es'][0] != '') {
// $name = $information[0]['cn;lang-es'][0];
// } else {
// $name = $information[0]['cn'][0];
// }
// ldap_close($ds);
// return (empty($name) ? $imp['user'] : $name);
// }
// }
// If this is set to a function name, that function will be used to
// set the $imp['user'] at login time; See the 'imp_get_vinfo'
// function below for an example.
$conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = '';
/* Here is an example imp_get_vinfo function. If $type == 'vdomain',
* this function returns the HTTP_HOST variable after removing the
* 'mail.' subdomain.
* If $type == 'username', this function returns a unique username
* composed of $imp['user'] + vdomain.
* ex. $HTTP_HOST = 'mail.mydomain.com', $imp['user'] = 'myname'
* $vdomain = 'mydomain.com'
* $username = 'myname_mydomain_com'
// if (!function_exists('imp_get_vinfo')) {
// function imp_get_vinfo ($type = 'username') {
// global $conf, $imp;
// $vdomain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
// $vdomain = preg_replace('|^mail\.|i', '', $vdomain);
// $vdomain = strtolower($vdomain);
// if ($type == 'username') {
// return preg_replace('|\.|', '_', $imp['user'] . '_' .
// } elseif ($type == "vdomain") {
// return $vdomain;
// } else {
// return new PEAR_Error('invalid type: ' . $type);
// }
// }
// }
// If this is set to a function name, that function will be used
// to show the user's quota usage on the mailbox page.
// See the 'imp_show_quota' function below for an example.
$conf['hooks']['quota'] = '';
/* Gets the quota usage from the imap server. $imap_admin &
* $imap_passwd must be set to fit your own settings. This works
* with the Cyrus imap server and the Courier imap server > 1.3.12.
* Note the necessary changes for the Courier server in the comments.
// if (!function_exists('imp_show_quota')) {
// function imp_show_quota ($imp) {
// $quota_html = '';
// $imap_admin = 'admin';
// $imap_passwd = 'password';
// // Use the following two lines instead for Courier.
// // $imap_admin = $imp['user'];
// // $imap_passwd = Secret::read(Secret::getKey('imp'),
// $stream = @imap_open(IMP::serverString(), $imap_admin,
$imap_passwd, OP_HALFOPEN);
// $quota = @imap_get_quota($stream, 'user.' . $imp['user']);
// // Use the following line instead for Courier.
// // $quota = @imap_get_quota($stream, 'ROOT');
// imap_close($stream);
// if (is_array($quota) && $quota['limit'] != 0) {
// $taken = $quota['usage'] / 1024.0;
// $total = $quota['limit'] / 1024.0;
// $percent = $taken * 100 / $total;
// if ($percent >= 90) {
// $class = 'quotaalert';
// } elseif ($percent >= 75) {
// $class = 'quotawarn';
// } else {
// $class = 'control';
// }
// $quota_html = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="item">'
// . '<table border="0" cellspacing="2"
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td align="center" class="' . $class . '">'
// . sprintf("%.2fMB / %.2fMB (%.2f%%)", $taken,
$total, $percent)
// . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
// }
// return $quota_html;
// }
// }
Hope someone can help me...
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