[imp] setting newmail checking default.

Lord Apollyon implist at paypc.com
Tue Sep 9 16:38:43 PDT 2003

> server.  I'd like to set the newmail checking to every 5 minutes by 
> default.  Is there a way to do this? 

The code where you'd want to clamp/lock the newmail settings would be in:


Look for:

$_prefs['refresh_time'] = array(

You can setup defaults and "lock" settings here so that users cannot change

I'm not sure if this overrides already-existing SQL preferences settings
though.  If you're paranoid about that, you can make a patch to
horde/lib/Prefs.php in the getValue method to intercept and clamp the return
value until all of the users' SQL-stored preferences have been updated.


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