[imp] Missing function in horde/lib/Notification/status.php

Rob Casey rob.casey at bluebottle.com
Sun Sep 14 16:44:55 PDT 2003

G'Day All,

In doing some integration with with the Horde framework (stable 2.2.3) and 
IMP (stable 3.2.2) I have come across an error with the Notification_status 
class which manifests itself where an attempt to retrieve the number of 
messages stored in the message stack is attempted using the count() method 
of Notification.php.

This issue relates to the getName() method which is called on the listener 
object in order to retrieve the number of stored messages from the 
appropriate element of the hordeMessageStacks session.  The getName() 
method has not been defined in the status listener class for the stable 
release - This method is present in the CVS development release but does 
not appear to be in either the 2.2.3 or 2.2.4 release.


Rob Casey
Technical Manager
Bluebottle :: Spam Free Email

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