[imp] Inline PGP signatures

Andrew D. Johnson ajohnson at lastaccess.com
Sun Sep 21 15:08:59 PDT 2003

Does IMP support adding inline PGP signatures to outgoing messages? If so, where
can this be turned on? I'm talking about inline signatures in the text/plain
body part of the mail, not the multipart MIME PGP signatures that I know IMP
already supports. While it appears that the MIME method is the correct way of
doing it, not all clients degrade well when reading messages put together this
way (ie. Outlook Express), which is no good for my purposes.

If this isn't already supported, is there interest in a patch to add support for
this? I would be willing to work on one.

Andrew D. Johnson
PGP Fingerprint: 77BD 80B1 4918 1D98 9EBF 2E62 073B 9B31 A1DC 41F4
KeyID: 0xA1DC41F4
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Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
Desc: PGP Digital Signature
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030921/300ceda0/attachment.bin

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