[imp] wu-imap quotas on Redhat 8 or 9 with imp 3.2.2

AJ aj at mindcrash.com
Mon Sep 22 08:31:11 PDT 2003

Hello, I know this is not really a supported request, but I was wondering if
anyone could point me in the right direction..
The below code works for me to get quotas working they way I want them to,
however, when I move this to a box that has long device names such as..

                      4    7000    8000               1       0       0

The output of the quota/grep command has a newline.. How can I get rid of this?
It is causing the below code to be broken.. I know this is a big request, but
any help would be appreciated.  I am not a programmer, and I am trying to get
this to work.  Thanks again.



    function quotaHTML()
        global $imp;

        $imap_user = strtolower($imp['user']);
        $passwd_array = posix_getpwnam($imap_user);
        $homedir = "/dev/hda2";
        $cmdline = $this->_params['quota_path'] . " -u $imap_user | " .
                   $this->_params['grep_path'] . " $homedir";

        $junk = exec($cmdline, $quota_data, $return_code);
        if (($return_code == 0) && (count($quota_data) == 1)) {
           $quota = split("[[:blank:]]+", trim($quota_data[0]));
           return $this->_quotaHTML($quota[1] * 1024, $quota[2] * 1024);

        $cmdline2 = $this->_params['quota_path'] . " -u $imap_user | " .
                    $this->_params['grep_path'] . " none";
        $junk2 = exec($cmdline2, $quota_data, $return_code);
        if (($return_code == 0)) {
           $quota = 0;
           return $this->_quotaHTML($quota);

        return $this->_quotaError(_("Unable to retrieve quota"));


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