[imp] Alternate message_summary screen for IMP 3.2

Ying Zhang ying at zippydesign.com
Tue Oct 21 20:51:45 PDT 2003

Hi All

I've made a modified message summary screen for IMP 3.2, the changes 

1) Highlighting a row only when it is checked (as opposed to 
highlighting on mouseover)
- similar to how rows are highlighted with Yahoo's webmail, it makes it 
easier to see which rows are checked off

2) There is a link to see the message source without first having to 
read the message body
- a (src) link is added next to the message number
- I added this because I notice that in a lot of junk emails that I get, 
the image tags are actually used to verify my email address, so I wanted 
a quick way to see the source of the messages without opening them

Hope someone finds these useful :)

To install, overwrite the contents of 
horde\imp\templates\mailbox\message_summaries.inc with the following:

--- START OF FILE: horde\imp\templates\mailbox\message_summaries.inc

$_rowid = "r$msg_number";
$_rowbg0 = "document.getElementById('$_rowid').style.backgroundColor='" 
. $css['.' . $bg . '-hi']['background-color'] . "'";
$_rowbg1 = "document.getElementById('$_rowid').style.backgroundColor='" 
. $css['.' . $bg]['background-color'] . "'";
$_msgsrc = 
. $h->uid . '&thismailbox=' . urlEncode($imp['mailbox'])), 'View Message 
<tr class="<?php echo $bg ?>" id="<?php echo $_rowid; ?>">
  <td nowrap="nowrap">
    <input onClick="if (this.checked) <?php echo $_rowbg0?>; else <?php 
echo $_rowbg1?>;" type="checkbox" name="indices[]" value="<?php echo 
$h->uid; if ($imp['mailbox'] == '**search') echo ':' . 
$message['folder']; ?>" /><?php echo $status ?>
  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $msg_number ?> (<?php echo $_msgsrc 
  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $styledat; ?></td>
  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $from_link ?></td>
  <td align="center"><?php echo $attachment ? Horde::pimg($attachment . 
'.gif') : '&nbsp;' ?></td>
  <td><?php echo Horde::link($target, $sub) . $stylesub ?></a></td>
  <td align="right"><?php echo $msg_size; ?></td>


Ying Zhang

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