[imp] Troubles running Imp

Tomas Cohen Arazi tomas at goedel.ffyh.unc.edu.ar
Thu Oct 23 07:04:51 PDT 2003

	I'am a new user of Horde and I'am having some troubles running Imp
on an UltraSparc5 (Debian3.0r1/testing, apache/1.3.27, horde/2.4, Imp/3.2.2).

	I've set horde to use a mysql server to store the preferences and
Imp doesn't work. The symptoms: trying to login it never gets logged in,
and the apache's cpu usage in the server is about 95% until I get a "Out
of memory killin proccess 'Apache'"  message.

	Has anyone had this kind of behaviour and found a solution?


	To+ (Spanish speaker :-)

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