[imp] Creating an SSL-based authentication mechanism in a virtualhost environtment

Issac Goldstand margol at beamartyr.net
Thu Oct 23 08:12:30 PDT 2003

  I'm trying to make a very dynamic Horde/IMP setup where I use a single IP
to mass-virtualhost multiple domains (like webmail.domain1.com,
webmail.domain2.com, etc) all from one Horde installation.  I've
successfully gotten the dynamics of that to work (by using the neat
imp_get__vinfo function in servers.php - which isn't completely secure, as
anyone can just send to the IP address with a forged Host: header, although
I hope to plug that hole by doing a DNS lookup to verify that the Host:
header resolves to the correct IP address from the server, but that's
getting a bit off topic).  Anyway, now I'm trying to patch the login pages
so that it works like this:

\ /
\ /
http://webmail.domain.com/imp/mailbox.php (or whatever URL it ought to go

The easy part was patching the templates/login/login.inc file as such:

<form action="<?php echo
e/imp/redirect.php',0,1),1) ?>" method="post" name="implogin">

So that's step one.  Step two is proccessing the redirect, which is a bit
trickier because there are a LOT more places to intercept.  The general idea
I had was to process the HTTP_REFERER environment variable at the VERY
beginning as so:


and then, every time we spit out a URL, modify it something like:
(the s? being just in case there's ever a customer who wants to pay for his
own SSL-enabled webmail.)
[NOTE: for this to work, enable_ssl in horde.php MUST be set to 0, and that
might just mess up the HTTPS logic I just went out of my way to create, but
let's take this one step at a time]

But I'm getting some very tricky errors, like:
[client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Notice:  (null)(): No such host as
mail.secure.mydomain.com (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0, referer:

Now how the heck am I supposed to even *start* tracing that?!?

Any help would be MUCH appreciated.  I'd really love to try to create
something that can eventually be patched into CVS (or perhaps just left
lying in /contrib)

Thanks in advance!

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