[imp] IMP and RFC 821

Christopher Michl cmichl at gmx.de
Thu Oct 30 01:58:41 PST 2003


I'am using the courier MTA and want to install imp.
Every time I've send a message I get the following error:

Oct 27 22:09:36 server1 courieresmtpd:
Error,relay=::ffff:,msg="554 Syntax error - your mail software
violates RFC 821.",cmd: MAIL FROM:cmichl at gmx.de

This indicates
Courier FAQ:
[PP] Cause: Most often generated by WinCE gizmos. Several reasons, most
common missing required <> surrounding the MAIL FROM: or RCPT TO: verbs

If I use the following Code everything is OK:

include_once 'Mail.php';
$headers['Subject'] = 'Your subject';
$headers['From'] = 'admin at example.com';
$params['host'] = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx';
$mailer = &Mail::factory('smtp', $params);
$status =$mailer->send('cmichl at gmx.de', $headers, 'your message');
if (PEAR::isError($status)) {

Oct 27 22:28:09 server1
started,id=00CA7132.3F9D8DE9.00004265,from=<admin at example.com>,module=esmtp,host=gmx.de,addr=<cmichl at gmx.de>

Where are the differences to imp's compose.php?
How can I fix this Problem?

best regards
     Christopher Michl

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