[imp] custom login page config

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Tue Nov 4 13:12:16 PST 2003

Le 3 Novembre 2003 05:04, Martin Vauchel a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm sure it has been asked 1000 times on this list, so, do anyone know if
> there is a detailed tutorial about how to use and configure imp with custom
> login page?
> Many thanks
> Martin

Without changing what's already there, I simply added some logos and stuff in 
the login.inc template which is under horde/templates/login/login.inc (we use 
IMP authentication here, so it is actually the IMP login template that we've 
changed, horde/imp/templates/login/login.inc)

Hope it helps
Benoit St-André
Conseiller pédagogique à la CS des Affluents
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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