[imp] IMP using sendmail, not executable...

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Nov 13 14:03:45 PST 2003

Quoting Doms Pieter <doms.pieter at my-home.be>:

> I'm forced to use the sendmail option, because the smtp-server isn't open
> relay! So I tried sendmail, but it has been integrated with qmail...

You need to use the "sendmail wrapper script" provided by qmail.  See
http://www.horde.org/faq/admin/prereq/index.php#p17 which says:

> Some mailers (like Postfix and qmail) have wrapper scripts that accept the
> sendmail syntax. These programs should work with IMP as long as the wrapper
> script accurately implements the sendmail syntax and semantics.

> I always get the same error, when i hit the send-button:
> There was an error sending your message: sendmail [/usr/lib/sendmail] not
> executable

I would guess that /usr/lib/sendmail (a standard location for the sendmail
program) is not the correct path for your qmail sendmail wrapper program.
Change the configuration files to point to the correct script.

> I reviewed this with the admin of the server, but he did not find the
> solution either... If you know something, pls mail me back!

Well, it would be nice to know what the admin said, if anything.  But I
think the above should get you (or the admin) started, at least as far
as looking at the qmail docs, etc.

> Greetz
> Doms Pieter

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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