[imp] charset missing in the headers
Benoit St-Andre
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Thu Nov 13 18:17:38 PST 2003
Hi all
Using IMP HEAD version, if you lock sending_charset pref , it seems that the
charset appears empty in the header like this
Content-Type: text/plain;
Just unlocking the pref in prefs.php makes it appear like this
Content-Type: text/plain;
which is suppose is correct. I realized that because someone returned to us
telling that our emails looked like this:
"Le pr=E9sent message n'est destin=E9 qu'=E0 la personne ou =E0
l'entit=E9 =E0 qui il est adress=E9, et peut contenir des renseigne-
ments de nature privil=E9gi=E9e et confi......".
It seems that about all the email clients or email MTA eitheir correctly
interpret the charset or guess it correctly (except for that special person).
So, my guess is if the charset was written in the Content-Type, probably that
the email client of the person will read it correctly.
In brief, the bug seems to be that if the sending_charset pref is locked, the
value indicated in that pref is not used and should be.
Instead of just reporting the bug, here's my attempt to patch it
(imp/templates/compose/compose.inc) It seems to work well, maybe somebody can
just confirm my guess about the source of the weird accents problem.
Comments welcomed
Benoit St-André
Conseiller pédagogique à la CS des Affluents
Connaissez-vous Linuxédu-Québec ? http://linuxeduquebec.org
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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