[imp] Migration from Sqwebmail

Alex Kirk alex at schnarff.com
Fri Nov 14 11:51:54 PST 2003

Hello All, 

I ran across a link to Horde/IMP today, and after looking at the demo at 
hub.org, I'm dying to move away from Sqwebmail to IMP. It's got all the 
features I've always wanted, and then some. 

I've got what may seem like a fairly basic question before I do so, though: 
will I be able to preserve my existing Maildir structure without too much 
pain? Right now, I use Qmail with Maildirs, and just have Sqwebmail write 
directly to them instead of using any form of IMAP. More specifically, I've 
got many sub-folders (i.e. ~/Maildir/.MyFolder) that I'd like to see 
preserved. From my (admittedly very rudimentary) understanding of how IMAP 
works, I seem to believe that this should be very simple -- I think it 
basically just reads either an Mbox or a Maildir and sends it out to the 
client. Since I don't know for sure, though, I'd like to find out before any 

Also, if anyone is familiar with installing IMP as an OpenBSD port/package, 
any word on where it installs itself, dependencies, etc. would be 

Alex Kirk 

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