[imp] Re: IMP: Page Not Found after compose

Jacob Davida jacob-news at davida.com
Fri Dec 5 08:27:21 PST 2003

Alright, from everyone's emails and gracious thoughts and advice
I have made the following changes. Testing to follow. I've
turned off friendly error messages in my IE for this.

I'm upped the memory limit for PHP to 128M

memory_limit = 128M

I also recompiled apache to 1.3.29 with modssl 2.8.16
and php 4.3.4 (from apache 1.3.28, modssl 2.8.15, php 4.3.3)
and changed some of the server settings in httpd.conf

KeepAlive On (Default On)
MaxKeepAliveRequests 10000 (deafult is 100)
KeepAliveTimeout 35 (default is 15)
MinSpareServers 20
MaxSpareServers 60
StartServers 50
MaxClients 900  (usually i see around 200 httpd processes running)
MaxRequestsPerChild 30000 (Default 0)

Thanks for all your help everyone. I'm sure I'll be back with more info
if I can't nail it down.

Jacob Davida

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