[imp] IMP error reporting

CJ Kucera horde at apocalyptech.com
Mon Dec 29 10:26:27 PST 2003

Hello, list!

Earlier today I was having some difficulties getting Horde/IMP CVS working,
and I was running into a rather vague error message "IMP is not correctly
configured or there was an error loading configuration files," thrown at
line 50 in imp/lib/base.php (after a call to $registry->pushApp('imp')).

It would probably be nice if this threw the actual error given by
pushApp() rather than the generic message...  Doing this myself allowed
me to figure out what was wrong with my installation, as the Horde logfile
wasn't helpful at all either (even after setting the log level to DEBUG).

Just an idea...


WOW: Kakistocracy        |  "The ships hung in the sky in much the same
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horde at apocalyptech.com   |     _The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy_

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