[imp] Re: composing mail with attachement
Stefan M.
stefan at ift-online.de
Tue Jan 13 04:44:06 PST 2004
I hit also the problem with the big attachments. I investigated it this
multiple different machines with SuSE 8.x, 9.0, Redhat 7.3, running Apache 1.3
and different versions of PHP >=4.1.2. Current stable horde+imp. IMP generally
Problem situation:
1. compose message.
2. select attachment, for me bigger than 750 kB. Hit "Attach".
3. have "Save a copy in sent-mail" marked.
4. hit "Send Message"
Now two variants are possible:
5a. Window doesn't close. Mail is sent (with attachments), but not copied to
sent-mail. A second click on "Send Message" (typical user reaction) will send
the mail without attachment again and will copy it to the sent-mail folder also
without attachment. I presume that the attachment files are deleted in the first
go, this explains the lack of attachments in the second try.
5b. Window goes blank and a "server unreachable" message comes up. No mail is
sent, sometimes the IMP session is dying.
Of course, I played around with the php.ini size limits. No change in
But I found a remarkable difference with this script:
1. compose message.
2. select big attachment and attach.
3. again, with "copy in sent-mail" marked.
4. Now hit "Save Draft". Window closes, message turns up in drafts with
attachment, as it should be.
5. Open the message again with "Resume".
6. Hit "Send Message".
7. Message gets sent and copied to sent-mail.
I was able to send a message with 15MB file attachments, totalling over 20MB
message size after encoding, without problems. [Note that standard SMTP-handlers
will not accept this size out of the box!]
So it seems not to be a problem of php.ini (alone). Please try to re-produce my
findings and share any new ideas.
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