[imp] spell checker

Rick Ellinger hordeuser at rhinoprints.net
Wed Jan 14 05:55:30 PST 2004

Thanks for your help Michael.

I found out that horde, imp, etc. are installed on the server of my 
web host and not in individual directories.  Therefore I have no 
control over it.  :(

Any suggestions there?

Is it possible to download it from horde and install it in my own 
folders, even when it is already running on the server?

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> Quoting Rick Ellinger <rpe at rhinoprints.net>:
> | I'm not sure how I am supposed to do this.  Am I supposed to
> reply to
> | you personaly or send another question to imp?
> |
> | Anyway, thanks for your quick reply.
> |
> | The server my system is on is a linux server.
> |
> | I do not see any folders like horde/ or imp/.  ??  Where might I
> find
> | the php files?
> It is wherever you have installed Horde/IMP.  I can't help you
> locate those
> files on your system - you are on your own there.
> michael
> ______________________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
> The University of Colorado at Boulder

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