[imp] IMP, virtual hosting, genericstable, sendmail and single webmail host

DataServe - Tigchelaar, M.O. martijnt at dataserve.nl
Wed Jan 28 13:15:57 PST 2004

Hello again,

To continue on my previous message:

It is obvious that this function needs some more development because it does
not account for empty gecos fiels nor gecos fields that contain anything
other than a valid e-mail address...

However, before continuing on this matter, I wanted to gather some opinions
from other IMP administrators, hence the message.


Martijn Tigchelaar.

> /* Here is an example imp_expand_fromaddress function to set the from
>  * address from the GECOS information in the passwd file.
>  */
> if (!function_exists('imp_expand_fromaddress')) {
>     function imp_expand_fromaddress ($imp) {
>         $array = posix_getpwnam($imp['user']);
>         $gecos_array = explode(',', $array['gecos']);
>         return (empty($gecos_array) ? $imp['user'] : $gecos_array[0]);
>     }
> }

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