[imp] Newbie problems

Chris Goosen cgoosen at jhb.artec.co.za
Wed Jan 28 23:12:08 PST 2004

This is my first attempt at setting up IMP from scratch, and I am having a few issues. 
I am able to log on, but I have to use the full name of my server, even from within my local lan, i,e just http://mail does not work, i have to use http://mail.domain.com , this is just strange, is it normal?
my biggest problem at the moment is that I am not able to see any folders apart from Inbox, if I create a new folder under the Inbox using say outlook express, It does not show up in IMP, is this even possible?
my server config is as follows:
php 4.1.2
apache 1.3.22
latest horde
latest IMP
latest turba
IMAP c-Client version 2001
Hope this is all the info you need, please could someone shed some light? the folders problem is my biggest one..

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