[imp] Cannot login to horde webmail

joan smith oleary458 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 8 16:20:10 PST 2004

Webmail was set up for me by the web hoster (HostCentric)
I have RedHat, Apache 2.0, MySQL 3.23.58, PHP 4.2.2
The 'Welcome to Horde' web page asks for user/pass and I dont know what to enter.
(and they didnt bother to send it, and level 1 tech support doesnt have a clue etc)
MySQL: database mysql has a table user with an entry for
Host=localhost User=horde Password=encrypted_string
database horde has 4 empty tables: horde_users, horde_prefs, horde_categories, turba_objects
Question: how can I reset my password? Or if I want to create a new login, do I enter that in the mysql:user table or in the horde:horde_users table? Or both?
Can horde webmail login simply use the user/pass from the RedHat Linux /etc/passwd? Those user/pass combinations dont work for me.
TIA - Joan

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