[imp] IMP-IMAP-Client-Configuration

koerfer at mpch-mainz.mpg.de koerfer at mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Wed Feb 11 05:59:37 PST 2004

Hi IMP-Users,

we are running a mailserver in the com-area (internal) of our LAN.
Besides sendmail and pop3, also horde - imp - uw-imap is installed in the versions:
IMP 3.1, Horde 2.1., Turba 1.1, UW-IMAP 2002b using PostgreSQL 7.3.2

For external mail-access we want to use a mail-client in the 
DeMilitarized Zone of our LAN.
Using the same SMTP-, Horde-, IMP-, UW-IMAP-versions I succeeded in configuring
a SMTP- and IMAP-client (using the internal mailserver),


the IMAP-client uses the local PostgreSQL-database that is located In the DMZ !

Setting the "Host"-entry from "localhost" to "mailserver...." in -Preference
Driver Settings- and -Turba Settings-, I did not succeed !!!

Due to security aspects, I do not want to hold a database with user-settings and
mail-addresses in the DMZ !!
Due to compatibility-reasons it also should be possible to use one database for
different  mailservers and -clients !!!

How can I achieve the use of only one database ???
Any hint is welcome,
Thanks in advance


Dr. Martin Körfer
MPI für Chemie
J.J.Becherweg 27
55128 Mainz

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