[imp] attachments not quite working

jlewis at lewis.org jlewis at lewis.org
Sun Mar 7 20:22:30 PST 2004

For some reason, on one of our imp installations, when we try attaching a
file in the compose window, after clicking on attach, the window refreshes
with the text "Added an attachment" at the top of the window, but the
attached filename does not display at the bottom of the window under
"Attachments" and the message sent has no attachment.

I've been searching the mailing list archives, and I see this is pretty
much a FAQ, but I've verified all the usual suspects that I'm aware of.

The file is uploaded to the web server in /var/tmp.  php.ini's
upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp
horde/config/horde.php's $conf['tmpdir'] = '/var/tmp/';

The system is Red Hat 8.0, Red Hat's 4.2.2-8.0.8.  I'm not seeing any
errors either in the apache error_log or syslog, during any part of the
compose/attach/send process.  My test attachment file (/etc/hosts) is
quite small (<200 bytes).

test.php output:

Horde Versions

    * Horde: 2.2.4
    * IMP: 3.2.2 (run IMP tests)
    * Turba: 1.2.1

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * PHP Version: 4.2.2
    * PHP Major Version: 4.2
    * PHP Minor Version: 2
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities

    * DOM XML Support: Yes
    * FTP Support: Yes
    * Gettext Support: Yes
    * IMAP Support: Yes
    * LDAP Support: No
    * MCAL Support: No
    * Mcrypt Support: No
    * MySQL Support: Yes
    * PostgreSQL Support: No
    * XML Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
    * file_uploads enabled: Yes
    * safe_mode disabled: Yes
    * trans_sid disabled: Yes

PHP Sessions

    * Session counter: 4
    * To unregister the session: click here


    * PEAR - Yes
    * Recent PEAR - Yes
    * Mail - Yes
    * Log - Yes
    * DB - Yes
    * Net_Socket - Yes
    * Date - Yes
    * HTML_Common/HTML_Select - Yes

 Jon Lewis *jlewis at lewis.org*|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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