[imp] IMP Compose errors

Gary Windham windhamg at email.arizona.edu
Mon Mar 8 10:25:30 PST 2004

This problem is being caused by conversion of the double-quotes in
framework/Editor/Editor/htmlarea.php to " encoding in the resultant
Javascript; this is causing a syntax error when the call to HTMLArea.replace()
contains an argument, as the generated Javascript comes out looking something
like "HTMLArea.replace("message");".

The attached patch corrects this.


Quoting AJ <aj at mindcrash.com>:

> Jan,
>    Yes, I did, I even removed compose.php and re-ran cvs update -Pd,
> same thing.
> Thanks.
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von AJ <aj at mindcrash.com>:
>>> Still seeing this..  Here is what I found.
>>> I compared compose.php from an old CVS HEAD version I had around (v 2.690).
>>> i found a difference in the code below.. when I removed the part:
>>> array('id' => 'message')
>>> HTML composition worked for me again.
>>> [me at box imp]$ grep '$Horde' compose.php
>>>  * $Horde: imp/compose.php,v 2.722 2004/03/05 22:37:48 chuck Exp $
>>> [me at box imp]$ grep '$Horde' ../../../webmail2/docs/imp/compose.php
>>>  * $Horde: imp/compose.php,v 2.690 2003/10/23 19:12:43 slusarz Exp $
>>> [me at box imp]$ diff compose.php 
>>> ../../../webmail2/docs/imp/compose.php | grep -i
>>> htmlarea
>>> <     $editor = &Horde_Editor::singleton('htmlarea', array('id' => 
>>> 'message'));
>>>>     $editor = &Horde_Editor::singleton('htmlarea');
>>> Any ideas?
>> Are you sure you updated with the -Pd parameters?
>> Jan.
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Gary Windham
Systems Programmer, Principal
The University of Arizona, CCIT
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