[imp] Searching for a log analyzer

Rob Lineweaver rlineweaver at harrisonburg.k12.va.us
Mon Mar 15 09:53:46 PST 2004


I configure Horde to log to an SQL database.  This is easy to set up in
horde/config/conf.php by setting the log type to 'sql' and setting
$conf['log']['params']['dsn'] to the full DSN of your database server.  There
is an SQL script to generate the logging table included in the distribution.

With this setup it is easy to query for login/logout times of any user over any
time period, or construct a number of other interesting queries.  You can use
your favorite database interface to run the queries.

Personally I use MySQL with MyISAM tables that are rotated by a script once a
month (it should be no problem to have millions of entries in one table,
although my sites aren't that busy).  You can query across multiple months if
you use MySQL's merge tables.

I hope this suggestion is useful to you or someone else.

Rob Lineweaver
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

Quoting pcastane at escuelaing.edu.co:

> I'm searching for a horde-imp registers log analyzer. I need to obtain date
> and
> user for each login on my e-mail server. The maillog file es very big, for a
> week is about 150MB and it has three kind of logs: sendmail, pop3 and imapd.
> Thank you
> Patricia Castañeda
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