[imp] Help! Web-based email account not showing all new mail!

Johnny Lee jlee at peaceatwork.org
Tue Mar 16 08:55:53 PST 2004

Okay, if you can help me, I would really appreciate it. I am not a programmer or
IT person, just someone trying to run a business.

I use Horde web-based mail, meaning I log on to my website control homepage, go
to the mail program and then choose horde.  

After logging on with my user name, I come to a home page that lists Mail,
Calendar, Tasks and Memos.  The Mail states that I have 21 new messages but
when I go to the inbox, there is nothing there. I know I am not getting
messages that people have sent me. 

why is this happening? How do I view those messages and how do I make it stop?

Please help.  I can give more info if you tell me where to look?


Take care,
Johnny Lee

Peace at Work


(919) 719-7203
(919) 274-5515 (mobile)

4030 Wake Forest Rd. 
Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27609

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