[imp] IMP shows all parts of mail as a attachment

Serhat Gungor gungorserh at itu.edu.tr
Thu Mar 25 03:46:00 PST 2004

And I also installed all needed pear modules. Can anyone help me?

-----Original Message-----
From: imp-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:imp-bounces at lists.horde.org] On
Behalf Of serhat
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:53 PM
To: imp at lists.horde.org
Subject: [imp] IMP shows all parts of mail as a attachment

I just installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 1),
and i am using php-4.3.2-8 and httpd-2.0.46-26. I am try to use horde 2.2.5
and imp 3.2.3 but when i went into INBOX and opened an e-mail, I can't see
contents of e-mail. All parts are seen as a attachment. My e-mails are in
plain/text format and i also registered mime drivers in
imp/config/mime_drivers.php config file as below.

$mime_drivers_map['imp']['registered'] = array('text', 'html', 'enriched',


I had a screenshot of a mail in the following link



Also i tried the old version of my IMP which was running on RedHat9.0 and i
had the same problem. If you could help me, i would be grateful.


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